Centralized page to view job's billable status, cash position, hours spent, and external costs.
The Job Financial Status is a job-specific financial health analysis. Unlike cross-job summaries and reports, this view allows you to see both posted and unposted (aka 'final approved') time and supplier costs for the job. You can also see both billable and non-billable costs against the job in one place. Drill down into underlying transactions or export the comprehensive report from without leaving the page.
- Navigate to JOBS > Jobs.
- Click on a job number that you wish to view the financial status of.
- Click Activity, located at the top of the page.
- Select Financial Status from the drop-down box. The following view displays:
- There are five sections to the Financial Status
- Job Billable Status (default view)
- Job Cash Details
- Job Time Details
- Job External Costs
- Purchase Orders (only available in exported report)
- Expand and use the Filters to narrow down your search. The filters are set on the default view and applied throughout all tabs.
Filter Description Display Currency Select the currency you wish to display
- Job Default Currency - For foreign currency jobs, this amount is converted from the Office Currency using the current exchange rate
- Office Currency
Include Sub Job Check to include sub-jobs. Show Posted Time & Costs By default, only 'Posted' (aka 'final approved') transactions are included. Select 'Posted & Unposted' to include hours that have not been posted to the job as well as supplier costs for the job that have not been posted to Accounts Payable.
- The details of the page dynamically changes based on the tab selected. You can expand and collapse line items using the plus (+) and minus (--) signs to drill down into the detailed transactions.
- The Excel export consolidates all of the data on the page into a single report with multiple sheets representing each view.
- There are five sections to the Financial Status
Job Billable Status
Provides an overview of the billable status of various projects or jobs for your client(s). This report helps track and monitor the progress of billable items, ensuring accurate and timely invoicing for services rendered.
Field | Description |
Task Type |
Expand to view the details on a job or project's specific task type or transaction type. Each line will provide you with estimated, actual, and billed costs of a job's internal (revenue), external (supplier costs), and totals. It also provides you with additional information regarding the job, such as
Job Cash Details
This view helps track the inflows and outflows of cash related to individual jobs, providing valuable insight into each project's cash position.
Field | Description |
Transaction Type |
Expand to view the details of a job or project's specific transaction type, i.e., client job invoices, supplier invoices, and payments. View amounts billed and received from a client, costs invoiced by or paid to suppliers. Payments ,without invoices, posted directly to the job are also included. See your cash position for the job without leaving the page. |
Job Time Details
Provides a detailed overview of the time spent on specific jobs or projects for your client(s). This report helps track and analyze the allocation of billable and non-billable time by task type, providing insight into project progress, resource utilization, and overall productivity.
Field | Description |
Task Type |
Expand to view the details on the specific task type. |
Billable Hours |
View Estimated, Actual, Billed and un-billed (Balance) of time recorded against the job Depending on your filters, this could included unposted time. |
Billable Amount |
Corresponding value of estimated, actual, billed, and Balance of billable time against the job. |
Total Time |
Tallies up non-billable hours against the job and a total of non-billable and billable time. |
Job External Costs
Track and analyze the expenses incurred from employees or 3rd party suppliers for a specific job. This report helps monitor and manage costs associated with expense claims, external suppliers, contractors, or any other third-party services utilized during project execution.
In order to view non-billable costs on this report, your user access group needs to have access to the transaction type Non-Billable Time & Costs on Job Reports. Please contact your Accountability Administrator.
Field | Description |
Task Type |
Expand to view the details on the specific task type. Each type will provide you with estimated, actual, billed, and balanced costs of the billable hours, amount, and totals of a job. |
Billable |
View Billable supplier charges from the Estimate, Actual supplier invoices, Billed costs, and any costs Taken Up (to revenue) or Written-Off. See Billable Balance for each line item. |
Non-Billable |
View all Non-Billable supplier costs recorded against the job |
Total Costs |
Sum of Billable and Non-Billable costs per line item. |
Excel Report
All of the tabs on the page can be exported into a single spreadsheet for further analysis.

The following tabs are included:
- Billable Status Summary
- Billable Status Detail
- Cash
- Time
- External Costs
- Purchase orders