Job Summaries
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Job Financial Summary

See estimated, billable, and billed fee and supplier charges by job with option to drill down into task type and transaction details


The Job Financial Summary provides at-a-glance view of a job's estimated, billable, and billed data, with an option to drill down into the breakout of fees and costs by task types. 


  1. Navigate to Jobs>Job Summaries>Job Financial Summary.  There are two main parts to this page.  Job Financial Summary
    1. Filters:  Enter specific parameters to focus on a list of jobs to review, e.g. jobs for a specific client or office
    2. Summary:  Based on the filters you specified, you'll see a list of jobs with the following details:
      1. Internal (Revenue): The sum of Estimated, Actuals (aka billable hours), and Billed Fee line items or internal charges 
      2. External (Costs):  The sum of Estimated, Actuals (billable supplier invoices), and Billed supplier charges 
      3. Total internal and external actual and billed amounts 
      4. Other:  The % of the approved Estimate on the job that is considered Revenue, i.e. Time and Internal Charge Types 
  2. Click on the Job Number hyperlink to launch the Job Transactions Summary.  There are two main parts to this page: 
    1. Task Type level view of estimated and actual amounts across charge types 
    2. Detailed transactions for each task type by clicking on the plus sign (expand)

Job Transactions Summary

List Export

Need the Job Financial Summary or Job Transactions Summary in Excel format?  Simply click on List Export and the platform will export each view as displayed on the page.