Resource Tracker
  1. Jobs
  2. Resource Tracker

How to allocate employees to resource tracker

With the Resource Tracker, create an overarching staff plan for each job and allocate estimated task hours among employees.


  1. Create an estimate and enter hours for all fee task types. 
  2. Click Resource Tracker
  3. Define the monthly distribution of hours at the task type/role level. Allocation can be displayed as hours or full-time employees. 
  4. Click the paperclip icon to view the list of employees with this title or task type.
  5. View employee availability while allocating hours and get a running total of allocation-to-date vs. estimated hours for the job. 
  6. To allocate an employee across resource trackers, go to Jobs > Resource Tracker and select Resource Tracker.  Set the desired filters, select the relevant jobs, and click the Allocate Employee button. Set the values as follows.
    1. Task Type - The task type to be updated across selected jobs
    2. Current Assigned Employee - Only populate this if an employee is already assigned to the task type and you want to override the employee allocation.  
    3. Select Employee to Allocate - The employee to be allocated to the task type across jobs 
    4. Allocate From/To Date - Leave blank to allocate the selected employee to the task type regardless of the date

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Click the Resource Tracker Reports link on the top of the page to view employee utilization, resource allocation by an employee, and resource allocation by a client.