
How to create a client budget

The client budget function allows you to create or amend budget amounts for client billing and revenue for a specific accounting year, budget category, and version.

Create a new client budget:


  1. Navigate to ACCOUNTING > Budgets > Client Budgets. 
  3. Enter or select the following information. 
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    Field  Description
    Client  Enter or select a client.
    Product  If you are budgeting by PRODUCT, enter the product associated with the client.
    Department If budgeting for a specific department, select a department. 
    Office  Enter or select an office. 
    Accounting Year  Select the accounting year for the budget.
    Budget Category You can track budgets using different Budget Categories, e.g., Retainers, Projects, Production, and Media. If you are using multiple Budget Categories, make sure that you have first set up the categories in the Budget Setup module by selecting the Budget Version link in the Budget Setup screen. You can select your Budget Category using the drop-down menu list.
    Budget Version Select the Current Budget Version that you are entering data for. Additional budget versions can be added from Accounting/Budgets/Budget Setup, and click on the link Budget Versions.
    Client Budget Status  You can track budgets using Budget Status types, i.e., Committed and Non-committed. If you are using multiple Budget Status types, make sure that you have first set up the categories in the Budget Setup module by selecting the Budget Category link in the Budget Setup screen. You can select your Budget Category.
    Default Extraction % Enter a default extraction % if necessary. 
  4. Enter the budget amounts (billings and revenue) separately for each month.
  5. If the budget amount is the same for multiple months, enter the amount in the Default Amount box, click the boxes next to the months you wish to copy, then click COPY DEFAULT AMT
  6. If you've made any changes to an entry or wish to check your budget amount for the entire year, click CALC
  7. Click SAVE or SAVE & CLOSE

Import a New Client Budget


  1. Navigate to ACCOUNTING > Budgets > Client Budgets.
  2. Click Import, located at the top of the page. 
  3. Click Download template
  4. Enter the following information.  The fields highlighted in red are compulsory. Please ensure that all fields in a row are filled out. 
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  5. Save the file onto your computer. 
  6. Navigate back to the client budgets page.
  7. Click on Import once again. 
  8. Click SELECT FILE and upload the saved file. 
  9. Click SAVE or SAVE & CLOSE