Set Up Options

Close the accounting month for specific transaction types and/or offices

Use cases

We’ve redesigned the month-end close page to simplify situations where you are closing just specific transaction types for specific offices.

This is especially helpful for global agencies with a single Accountability database. 


  1. Navigate to Set Up Files> Set Up Options and click the Close Offices/Transaction Types link.
    Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 12.32.25 PM
  2. Check the box for a specific transaction type or select the box to the left of an office to close all transactions for the entire office.  Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 12.39.36 PM
  3. Once all of the offices are closed, you can move forward to the new accounting month by changing the Current Accounting Month field under General Options.
    Screen Shot 2021-03-03 at 12.25.18 PM

Note:  Once the Current Accounting Month reflects the new month, uncheck the offices on the Accounting Month Close - Offices/Transaction Types page.