Revenue Tracker

How to create a revenue tracker from existing estimates

Forecast revenue for committed or prospective client jobs


  1. From the Estimate record, click on the Activity menu and select Revenue Tracker. 
    Estimate Activity Menu-1
  2. The Revenue Tracker page shows the estimate details, including the Estimate Version number, the Start Date, and Total Revenue Per Estimate.  
    1. The Revenue Tracker automatically excludes Estimate line items with a Charge Type of 'S' for Supplier Costs. 
    2. You can define the revenue allocation for this Estimate by entering the expected revenue amount for each month or click Add Months for the system to equally distribute the Total Revenue across the designated number of months. 

      Screenshot 2024-11-12 at 10.53.00 PM
    3. In the example above, my Total Revenue Per Estimate is 14,500.00.  Let's say that this job runs from October to December and I want to allocate revenue equally across the 3 months.   When I click on Add Months, the system will bring up the dialog below. Override the Start Date and Number of Months as needed.  Screenshot 2024-11-12 at 10.55.01 PM
    4. The system takes the Total Revenue Per Estimate and divides it by the Number of Months specified.  The Estimated Revenue per month is updated accordingly. 

    5. Screenshot 2024-11-12 at 10.55.37 PM
    6. If there's an Unallocated amount due to rounding, simply update the amount on any of the months to ensure that the Total (which is the sum of your Revenue Tracker allocation) and the Total Revenue Per Estimate are the same. Screenshot 2024-11-12 at 10.51.50 PM 
    7. Click Save to save the revenue allocations. 


If your agency is using Probabilities to weight your revenue forecast,  select the Probability from the List.  The corresponding Probability % is displayed and applied to your revenue reports. 



  • If the estimate is in an FX, then the revenue will display in the equivalent value of the Office Currency. Users will need to forecast the revenue in the Office Currency value.
  • Although it is not necessary to forecast all of the estimated revenue, as a rule, users should do so unless there is a very good reason not to, and it should be explained in the comments box.