
How to drill down a job transaction

Drill Down is a function within Accountability that enables you the capability to instantly shift from an overview of data to a more detailed and granular view within the same dataset. 


  1. Navigate to JOBS > Jobs.
  2. Select the Job No.
  3. Click Activity, located at the top of the page.
  4. Click Financial Status in the activity drop-down box. 
  5. This loads the Job Transactions Summary page showing the Estimated, Actual, and Billed transactions for each Task Type. 
    Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 2.17.58 PM
  6. Click a Task Type to drill down and see the transactions for that specific task type.
  7. Click the Transaction Type to open a detailed page for the transaction.

You can click on the Job No. hyperlink throughout Accountability to drill down into specific transactions associated with the job.