Expense Claims
  1. Manage
  2. Expense Claims

How to set up an expense claim proxy

An expense claim proxy is someone who is authorized to submit and manage your expense claims on your behalf. For example, if you're a busy executive you might designate your Executive Assistant as a proxy to handle your expense.


Tutorial Video:




  1. Navigate to Master Files > Employees.
  2. Select an Employee Code.
  3. Click Approval Rights on the top right-hand side of the page. 
  4. Check the box next to Expense Claim Proxy and select the Employee level.
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  5. Click the Employees link at the top of the page and select the employees for whom this employee proxy will create expense claims and  Save.
  6. Once the employee is set up as an expense claim proxy, they can navigate to My Expenses, and click on the selector icon to access another employee's My Expense page. 
  • Creating an expense claim by proxy is the same as creating an expense claim for yourself via the My Expenses page.  
  • Expense claim proxies will be notified via email if the expense claim submitted is rejected.
  • The proxy must be assigned to a User Access Group which has access to 'Expense Claim Proxy'.  If the proxy will be managing the employee's bank account details, grant the User Access Group access to 'Expense Claim Proxy Bank Account'.