Expense Claims
  1. Manage
  2. Expense Claims

How to approve or reject an Expense Claim

Managers can easily approve or reject an employee’s expense claim within the platform.

Video Tutorial:  

Approve an expense claim


  1. Navigate to MANAGE > Expense Claims
  2. Select the Expense Claim No. you wish to approve. 
  3. Click APPROVE
  4. Once approved, it will show Manager Approved on the top page 

  5. An Accountability systems message and email are sent to the employee advising that the expense claim has been approved and is now available for Finance Review/Approval. 

Reject an expense claim


  1. Navigate to Manage > Expense Claims
  2. Select the Expense Claim No. you wish to reject. 
  3. Click REJECT
  4. Enter an Expense Claim Reject Comment and click REJECT. 

  5. An Accountability system message and email will be sent to the employee advising that their claim has been rejected. The employee must make the requested changes and re-submit the claim for manager approval.