
Fastpay Integration

Facilitate payment to media vendors (US specific) via Fastpay


This feature is designed primarily for media agencies in the US who use Freewheel and Accountability for their media financial management and accounting, to facilitate payment to media vendors.

If you are interested in finding out more about FastPay contact AccountAbility support or go to

Supplier setup

Create the following Payment Types and map them to their corresponding GL accounts accordingly 

  1. Fast Pay 
  2. Fast Pay Bank Fees (for political agencies only) 

Create a new supplier for Fast Pay Bank Fees with code FPFEE.  Set the payment type for this supplier as Fast Pay Bank Fees. 


  1. Enable the integration by going to Set Up Files>Set Up Options and checking the Use FastPay option under Other Options. 
  2. Enter your FastPay Credentials by clicking on the API Integrations link on the Set Up Options page.  Contact FastPay for the API URL and Token. 

    Screen Shot 2022-07-12 at 3.07.18 PM
  3. To generate your Accountability API Token, navigate to My Settings  (under your name), then go to the API Account Credentials section of the page. Share this token with FastPay to activate the connectivity with Accountability.  

The Accountability API token should be generated from a user account that has full Accounts Payable functionality access.