General Ledger Accounts
  1. Accounting
  2. General Ledger Accounts

How to create a GL posting for a Task Type

This posting type is created where multiple billing or revenue accounts are required to reflect the task types that the billings and or revenue relate to.


  1. Navigate to ACCOUNTING > General Ledger > General Ledger Accounts.
  2. Click on Posting GL Accounts. 
  4. Enter the following information
    Maria Large Knowledge Base Template -Jun-26-2023-06-52-48-0501-PM 
    Posting Criteria  Description
    Posting Type  Select Task Types. 
    Office  Select an office (only if this posting relates to a single office. 
    Task Type

    Select a task type.

    Billing Accounts Description
    Billing Acct Billings on client invoices for the selected task type. For example, the tax-exclusive amount of a client job invoice line that is a time or internal (revenue) charge type is debited to this account, where the invoiced line’s task type matches this posting record.
    Billing - Supplier Charger Acct Billings on client invoices for the selected task type. For example, The tax-exclusive amount of a client job invoice line that is a supplier or (external) charge type is debited to this account, where the invoiced line’s task type matches this posting record.
    Revenue & Expense Accounts Description
    Time Revenue Acct Revenue related to time (e.g., fee) charges for the selected task type. For example, the amount on a client invoice line that is a time (revenue) charge type (exclusive of tax, markup, or service fee) is credited to this account, where the invoiced line’s task type matches this posting record.
    Internal Charge Revenue Account  Revenue related to internal charges (e.g., recoveries) for the selected task types. For example, the amount on a client invoice line that is an internal (revenue) charge type (exclusive of tax, markup, or service fee) is credited to this account, where the invoiced line’s task type matches this posting record.
    Mark Up Revenue Acct An account that revenue related to markup (e.g., loadings on supplier charges) for the selected task type. For example, the amount of markup on a client invoice line is credited to this account, where the invoiced line’s task type matches this posting record.
    Service Fee Revenue Acct Revenue related to service fee (e.g., a % based fee added to the line) charges for the selected task type. For example, the amount of service fee on a client invoice line is credited to this account, where the invoiced line’s task type matches this posting record.
    Sales /COGS Accounts Description
    WIP Supplier Cost Acct Cost of goods sold amounts for the selected task type. For example, A client invoice is raised to pass on a billable supplier cost to the client. The amount invoiced is debited to this account, where the invoiced line’s task type matches this posting record.
    WIP Client Invoice Acct Cost of goods sold amounts for the selected task type. For example, a client invoice is raised to pass on a billable supplier cost to the client. The amount invoiced is credited to this account, where the invoiced line’s task type matches this posting record.
  5. Click SAVE or SAVE &. CLOSE