Revenue Tool

How to create Accruals/Deferrals

Automate revenue accrual or deferral based on the actual time (hours) spent on jobs.


  1. Navigate to ACCOUNTING > Revenue Tools > Revenue Recognition 
  2. Filter the To Accounting Year and To Accounting Month to define the point where you want to adjust the amount of revenue recognized.  Set additional filters as needed.
  3. Check the Client box that you want to adjust the revenue recognition for. 
  5. The Create Accruals/Deferrals pop-up box will appear.  Check to make sure that the information is correct. 
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  6. Click OK. 
  • Accruals / Deferrals created above will then be reversed into the following accounting month (if you select that option when prompted)
  • Based on the value in column BALANCE TO ACCRUE, if this is a positive value (the value of billable time on the job is greater than the amount of time recognized as revenue to date), the system will create, in the selected accounting month, a revenue accrual for that amount.
  • If the BALANCE TO ACCRUE is a negative value, the system will create a revenue deferral for that amount.