
How to create or edit a billable rate for time and internal charges specific to a client

If a matching billable client rate is found, it will be used instead of the default billable rates applied at the task type or employee level.

    Create a billable rate manually


    1. Navigate to MASTER FILES > Clients
    2. Use the Filters to narrow down your search, or scroll through the list of Client Codes.
    3. Click the client code you wish to create a billable rate for. 
    4. Click Billable Rates, located at the top of the page. 
    6. Enter the relevant criteria upon which the rate will apply. 
      KB Medium Screenshot Template-Aug-23-2023-09-06-19-3101-PM
      Field  Description
      Product  If assigned, the Billable Rate will only be assigned to charges (time entries, estimates, invoices)  for jobs assigned to that product.
      Job No If assigned, the Billable Rate will only be assigned to charges (time entries, estimates, invoices)  assigned to that job.
      Job Type If assigned, the Billable Rate will only be assigned to charges (time entries, estimates, invoices)  assigned to jobs of that type.
      Task Type If assigned, the Billable Rate will only be assigned to charges (time entries, estimates, invoices)  assigned to that task type.
      Employee If assigned, the Billable Rate will only be assigned to charges (time entries, estimates, invoices)  assigned to that employee.
      Title  If assigned, the Billable Rate will only be assigned to charges (time entries, estimates, invoices)  assigned to employees of that title.
       Internal Charge Type If assigned, the Billable Rate will only be assigned to internal charges assigned to that internal charge type.
    7. Enter the Hourly Billable Rate to which the rate will apply. 
    8. Click SAVE or SAVE & CLOSE

    The system will use the best-match billable rate for the client when a transaction for the client matches the setup of the Billable Rate rules. If no Billable Rate is found that matches, the system will apply the default Task Type rate. If no rate is assigned to the Task Type, the system will apply the default Employee rate. If you set a combination of the criteria then each of these specific criteria must be set for the rate to apply. 

    Import billable rates


    1. Navigate to MASTER FILES > Clients
    2. Click Excel-Billable Rates, located at the top of the page. 
    3. Click IMPORT
    4. Click Download Template. 
    5. Enter the required information. 
    6. Save the file to your computer. 
    7. Navigate back to MASTER FILES > Clients
    8. Click Excel-Billable Rates once again. 
    9. Click IMPORT. 
    10. Click SELECT FILE and choose the saved file. 
    • If the import file has been created correctly, the screen will be populated with the details from the import file
    • If the file contains any errors, the system will bring up a screen detailing the specific errors, which will need to be corrected before you can import it again