Time Posting

How to import timesheets

Learn the steps required in importing timesheet entries.


  1. Navigate to  TIME & TASK > Time Posting. 
  2. Click Excel on the top right of the page. 
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  3. Click Download Template next to the Import radio button to download the Timesheet Import Template.
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  4. Enter the following information.  The fields highlighted in red are compulsory. Please ensure that all fields in a row are filled out. 
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  5. Save the file onto your computer. 
  6. Navigate back to the Time Posting page and click Excel. 
  7. Click on Import , then Select File to import the template you filled out. 
  • If the import file has been created correctly, the screen will be populated with the details from the import file.
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  • If the file contains any errors, the system will bring up a screen detailing the specific errors, which will need to be corrected before you can import it again.
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