Employee Expense Summary
  1. Manage
  2. Employee Expense Summary

How to view, edit, and delete an employee expense budget.

An expense budget can be defined as a total over a period of time or a specific allocation for various categories. These categories can include job expenses, task type heading, task type, or supplier expenses.

Video Tutorial: 


View an employee expense budget. 


  1. Select MANAGE > Employee Expense Summary
  2. Select the Employee Expense Budgets.
  3. Use the Filters to narrow down your search, or scroll through the list of ID Keys


Edit an employee expense budget.


  1. Select MANAGE > Employee Expense Summary
  2. Select the Employee Expense Budgets.
  3. Use the Filters to narrow down your search, or scroll through the list of ID Keys
  4. Click on an ID Key to manage an employee expense budget.
  5. Edit the fields that need updates.
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  6. Click SAVE or SAVE & CLOSE.


Delete an employee expense budget. 


  1. Select MANAGE > Employee Expense Summary
  2. Select the Employee Expense Budgets.
  3. Use the Filters to narrow down your search, or scroll through the list of ID Keys
  4. Click the box next to the ID Key you want to delete. 
  5. Click DELETE
  6. A pop-up message will display on the bottom of the page confirming the deletion.