The Job Profitability Summary provides a comprehensive overview of each project’s financial performance. This page enables job managers to quickly assess job performance, identify potential financial risks, and make informed decisions to enhance profitability.
Accessing the Job Profitability Summary
Navigate to the Jobs menu > click on the Job Summaries option > select Job Profitability Summary.
Use the Filters to limit the data that appears on the second half of the page.
Filter Options
The Job Profitability Summary page allows you to use standard filters to refine the data displayed. In addition to these filter, you can utilize the following:
Exclude Completed Jobs - Limit the data presented to exclude jobs that are marked as completed
Just Show My Jobs - Limit the data presented to jobs that you have worked on
Include Sub Jobs - By default, the system displays profitability for all sub jobs
Report by Master Job - Check this box to aggregate the profitability data at the master job level
Expected Costs Excess to Estimate - When selected, the system adds the Expected Costs to the Estimated Costs and displays the total in the Actual Plus Expected Costs columns
1. All custom data fields on the Job records are also available for filtering.
2. Jobs are marked as completed via the Prod'n Completed button after a job is selected from the Search Jobs page.
Job Profitability Summary
The Job Profitability Summary page is designed to give you a detailed overview of the financial status of a specific job or project. This page provides a clear comparison between estimated and actual costs, and allows you to factor in expected future costs for a more accurate assessment of profitability. The page includes the following sections:
1. Job Number & Job Description
- Displays the unique Job Number and a brief Job Description to help identify the specific project or task.
2. Estimated Cost
- This section breaks down the estimated costs for the job into two categories:
- Internal Costs: These are time-related costs, calculated by multiplying the estimated hours for each task by the indicative cost rate for that task type. Internal costs reflect the labor costs associated with executing the job.
- External Costs: These are costs that are expected to be incurred from third-party services, materials, or other external factors that contribute to the job’s execution.
- The total Estimated Cost combines both internal and external costs.
3. Actual Costs to Date
- This section mirrors the structure of the "Estimated Cost" section, but instead shows the actual costs incurred to date.
- Internal Costs: These reflect the actual time spent on the job and the corresponding costs calculated based on the actual hours worked and the indicative cost rates.
- External Costs: These are the actual expenses paid to third parties.
- The total Actual Costs to Date aggregates the internal and external costs for the job up to the present moment.
4. Expected Costs to Come
- This section summarizes estimated future costs that have not yet been captured in the system but are anticipated to occur before the job is completed. These could include costs for future labor, materials, or external services that are expected but have not yet been billed or logged.
- These anticipated costs are factored into the calculation of the total Expected Costs for the job.
5. Actual + Expected Costs
- This section combines the Actual Costs to Date with the Expected Costs to Come to give a comprehensive view of the total costs for the job, including both past and future expenditures.
6. Estimated Gross Profit
- Estimated Gross Profit is calculated by subtracting the Estimated Costs (internal + external) from the Estimated Revenue for the job:
- %: This is the Estimated Gross Profit expressed as a percentage of Estimated Revenue.
- This percentage helps to assess the profitability relative to the revenue projections.
7. Final Gross Profit
- The Final Gross Profit is determined after accounting for the Actual Costs to Date and the Expected Costs to Come. It is the difference between the Total Revenue for the job and the combined Actual + Expected Costs. This provides the final profitability of the job, based on both real-time and forecasted data.
- Similar to Estimated Gross Profit, the system displays the Final Gross Profit as a percentage of revenue. This percentage provides a more accurate reflection of the job's final profitability, taking into account both actual costs incurred and future expenses.
Tip - Click on any job number to get task type level details.
This summary page serves as a powerful tool for tracking and managing job profitability, offering both a snapshot of the financial performance to date and a forecast of future costs and profits. It helps you make informed decisions about cost management and ensure profitability is maintained throughout the life of the job.