
How to import multiple Journals

This function allows the importing of multiple Journals from a single Excel worksheet.


  1. Navigate to ACCOUNTING > General Ledger > Journals.
  2. The Search Journals page will be presented. 
  3. Click Import, located at the top of the page. 
  4. Click Download template.Medium KB -Jul-11-2023-05-08-34-5424-PM
  5. Create the template with all of the journal line details.
  6. Navigate back to the import page and click SELECT FILE to upload the template. 
  7. A notification will appear at the bottom of the page confirming that the journal has been uploaded successfully. 

When importing, Accountability will create a separate Journal header for each different journal description in the file. For example, if there were 50 lines with the journal description ‘March Accruals’ and 50 lines with the description ‘April Accruals’ – the import routine would create 2 separate journal headers.