
How to post a Journal to a job

Assign Receipts and Journals directly to the WIP and Advance Billing GL accounts. These transactions will be reflected in all of the system job-based reports.


  1. Create a Journal as usual with one of the line items allocated to either your WIP or Advance Billing Control Account.
  2. Select a Job No on the line entry.
  3. Select a Task Type Code on the line entry.
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  4. Click SAVE 
  5. Click POST.  

On the Job Reports (all reports under the JOBS menu) – if you have a separate WIP & Advance Billing GL control account structure (which we highly recommend as best practice), then:

  • Journals coded to the Advance Billing Account will reflect as Billings on these reports, and Journals coded to the WIP Account will reflect as supplier costs
  • If  you do not have a separate Advance Billing Account, then all journals coded to these accounts will reflect as Supplier Costs