
How to create an office

Creating an office in Accountability ensures that the user can accurately track financial performance and manage costs at each physical location or department.


  1. Navigate to SET UP FILES > Offices.
  2. Click New Office.
  3. On the Details section, enter the following information.    




Office Code Enter a unique identifier for the specific location/department. 
Office Name Enter the name of the specific location/department.
Currency  Enter a system of money in general use for the specific location.
Active  Select this box to turn a location active, and uncheck it to turn the location inactive.
Ownership  Enter the percentage of ownership of this specific office. Enter 0 if not applicable
Country  Select the country this specific office is located in. - Optional
Default Output Tax Code Select the specific tax code for the specific location.
Default Input Tax Code Select the specific tax code for the specific location.
Default Bank Account Select the bank account for the specific location/department. - Optional 
Unique GL Accounts Select this feature if the office has unique GL Accounts. - Optional
Pass FX Gains/Losses to Clients  Select this box to include the FX Gains/Losses to a client's invoice for the specific office. - Optional
Supplier Invoice Email Enter the supplier invoice email address. - Optional 

4.      Select the default Working Days

5.      Select the Timesheet Settings   

6.      Enter Other Details.  To learn more about custom codes click here

7.       Click Save


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Related Links: 

My Office Filters

Close the accounting month for specific transaction types and/or offices

Interoffice cost sharing

Interoffice revenue sharing

Budget Reports