Expense Claims
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How to create and submit an expense via mobile my expenses

Easily manage your expenses in Accountability from your phone or tablet device. Chrome browser is recommended. 

Video Tutorial:


  1. Log into Accountability on your phone or tablet device 
  2. Navigate to My Menu > My Expense
  3. The My Expenses page will be presented, here you will see a list of your expense reports
  4. Click the + (plus) button at the bottom of your screen. This will bring up a blank Expense Claim form. 
  5. Expense claim header 
    1. The Date defaults to the current date but can be overridden if needed
    2. Optional - Enter a short description of the expense claim by clicking on the Notes icon IMG_6489 3
  6. Enter an expense line item by clicking on the Add Line button IMG_6490-removebg-preview
    1. Specify the Date of the expense
    2. Depending on your agency's settings, you may see a Billable checkbox. If that checkbox is visible, the Billable box is checked and controls the list of jobs that are available for selection on the Job No. field. 
      • Keep this checked if entering an expense against a billable job.  Enter or search for the client job that this expense is billable.  Only billable jobs will appear on the list if the Billable checkbox is enabled. 
      • If entering a non-billable expense, uncheck the Billable box.  Enter or search for a non-billable job or leave this blank if your agency does not require a job number for non-billable expenses.
    3. Enter or search for a Task Type (expense category) for this expense line 
    4. Select the Expense Currency from the drop-down list
    5. Enter the Expense Currency Amount including tax. If needed, you can override the system-assigned tax by clicking on More Options below. 
    6. Optional - Enter a Description for each expense line.  For example, you might want to enter attendees for a client or agency meal. 
    7. Link the receipt photo by clicking on the  IMG_6491 icon.  You have two options:
      • Take a photo of the receipt with your device, or
      • Upload a photo of the receipt directly from your device.
    8. The Employee Code defaults to your code. 
    9. The Client Code is inherited from the job you specified. 
    10. Enter additional Notes for each expense line.  For example, you might want to enter attendees for a client or agency meal. 

Select Add Receipt Photo  IMG_251B04C757D9-1-removebg-preview  to add a line item using a receipt you previously emailed. This option automatically adds the expense line based on the details of the receipt, saving you some keystrokes.

Add Mileage  IMG_C32AB45BDD54-1-removebg-preview

Use this option if your agency has a dedicated task type for mileage expenses. The number of miles entered is multiplied by the task type rate to calculate the total amount.  Optional - Enter the From and To details. 

Submit an expense claim 

Click Submit when all expense line items have been coded to a job and/or task type.  If your agency requires receipts, attach those prior to submission.  Once submitted, you can track the status of your expense claim from the My Expenses page.