
Multi-Estimate Import

What is it?

The Multi-Estimate Import feature allows you to import multiple Estimates simultaneously into Accountability using a standardized Excel template. This enhancement expands on our previous functionality, which only allowed importing one Estimate at a time.

Why does it matter?

This feature is particularly valuable for agencies that manage multiple Estimate options and client proposals outside of Accountability. Key benefits include:

  • Time savings: Import multiple Estimates in a single operation rather than one by one
  • Reduced manual entry: Minimize data entry errors and streamline your workflow
  • Integrated workflow : Easily bring finalized client proposal options into Accountability for financial management

How does it work?

  1. Access the template: Navigate to Jobs > Estimates and click on the Excel link
  2. Download the template: When the Excel modal appears, select "Import" and click "Download Template"
  3. Fill in the template: Enter your multiple Estimate details in the provided format
  4. Import the data: Return to the Excel modal, select your completed file, and click "Export"
  5. Review and confirm: Verify your imported Estimates in the system

The template is designed to be intuitive while capturing all necessary Estimate information. Once imported, these Estimates become fully functional within Accountability, allowing you to leverage them for billing, revenue forecasts, and resource management.