Implementation and Onboarding
  1. Implementation and Onboarding

Onboarding a new company/office

Considerations and task list for onboarding new offices

This document includes key considerations and instructions when adding an office for a new company or business unit to your Accountability database. 



Database-level options and master files are shared across offices, so it's important to review these to ensure that the needs of the new office are accounted for.  

Database-level records

  1. New offices are folded into the Chart of Accounts (GL Accounts) for the database
  2. New offices will see list of Job Types and Task Types in the database.  If needed, add additional Job Types and/or Task Types. 
  3. If your agency is enabled for Single Sign-On (SSO), the users from the new office will log in through SSO.  Contact your agency IT Administrator. 

Before setting up the new office

Here's a list of records you need to define before adding a new office:

  1. If the new office has a different home currency, navigate to Setup Files>Currencies and add the new currency record.  
  2. If the new office requires different Tax Codes than what's currently available in the database, navigate to Setup Files>Tax Codes and add the new tax record. 

Create new office

  1. To create a new office, navigate to Setup Files>Offices and follow the steps here.
  2. Update your reporting Entities or create new ones to ensure that this new office is included in your financial reports when filtering by Entity. 

Master files

Before you import opening balances and historical data for the new office,  go through the check list below to make sure that all reference data required are in place:

  1. Add new Clients, Products, and Master Clients, as needed. 
  2. Add Employees for the new company (office) and make sure that they have the right level of access by assigning the appropriate User Access Group.
  3. If the new office is just a new location for the same business entity, check Employees with Office Restrictions to determine if they need to be given access to the new office.  You can run the Access Rights Report by navigating to Master Files>Employees and clicking on the report link on the top of the page. This report includes the access for each employee as well as any office restrictions.
  4. Add Withholding Tax Codes by navigating to Setup Files>Withholding Tax Codes.
  5. Add new Suppliers and Master Suppliers, as needed. 
  6. Import or add open Jobs

Opening Balance Transfer and History Import 

Importing your opening balances and related historical data is easy with Accountability's standard import templates.  

The grid below describes how to get the latest template, helpful notes on the import process, as well as sample files. 

Transaction Template Type  Where to get the template Notes Sample File
General Ledger Journals Import  Accounting > General Ledger > Journals > Excel button > Download Template link 1. Import opening balances and if applicable, monthly movement
2. Journals are not autoposted and must be posted by Accountability
Journal Import Sample Template
Accounts Receivable (Open A/R) Sundry Invoices Import  Accounting > Receivables > Client Sundry Invoices > Excel button > Download Template link 1. Mark "Opening AR Balance" column with YES
2. Must specify an A/R GL account number (column S) when opening balance = Yes
3. No journals are made but this invoice is available to apply cash against
4. Invoices are autoposted
5. Imported by employees in the Administrator User Access Group only
Sundry Invoices Sample Template for Open A/R
Accounts Payable (Open A/P) Supplier Invoices Import Accounting > Payables > Supplier Invoices > Excel button > Download Template link 1. Mark "Opening AP Balance" column with YES; leave "Job History Balance" column blank
2. Accounting Month is 2 digits
3. Successful import will result in no journal entries made but invoice is available to pay
4. Invoices are autoposted
5. Invoice will not appear on the job
6. Imported by employees in the Administrator User Access Group only
Supplier Invoices Sample Template for Open A/P

Job History

(Open Billable WIP)

Supplier Invoices Import Accounting > Payables > Supplier Invoices > Excel button > Download Template link 1. Mark "Job History Balance" column with YES; leave "Opening AP Balance" column blank
2. Invoices are autoposted
3. Invoice numbers appear with an asterisk to indicate it's a Job History invoice - cannot pay this invoice
4. No journals are made but invoice appears on the job
5. Invoice is considered paid when looking at Job Cash Summary
6. Imported by employees in the Administrator User Access Group only
Supplier Invoices Sample Template for Job History

Job History

(Advanced Billing)

Client Job Invoices Import Accounting > Receivables > Client Job invoices > Excel button > Download Template link 1. Mark "Job History Balance" column with YES
2. Invoices are autoposted
3. Invoice numbers appear with an asterisk to indicate it's a Job History invoice - cannot apply cash to this invoice
4. No journals are made but invoice appears on the job
5. Invoice is considered paid when looking at Job Cash Summary
6. Imported by employees in the Administrator User Access Group only
Client Job Invoices Sample Template
Job History Time Import Time & Tasks > Time Posting > Excel button > Download Template link Import time as usual Time Import Sample Template
Accrued Revenue Accrued Revenue Import Accounting > Revenue Tools > Accrued Revenue > Excel button > Download Template link 1. Mark "Opening Balance" column with YES
2. Accrued Revenue entries are automatically posted
3. Can preview journal - net effect is zero as the accrued revenue is accounted for in your trial balance import
4. Imported by employees in the Administrator User Access Group only
Accrued Revenue Sample Template
Deferred Revenue Deferred Revenue Import Accounting > Revenue Tools > Deferred Revenue > Excel button > Download Template link 1. Mark "Opening Balance" column with YES
2. Deferred Revenue entries are automatically posted
3. Can preview journal - net effect is zero as the deferred revenue is accounted for in your trial balance import
4. Imported by employees in the Administrator User Access Group only
Deferred Revenue Sample Template
Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Import Accounting > General Ledger > Fixed Assets > Excel button > Download Template link 1. Enter total depreciation in "Opening Balance Accumulated Depreciation" column
2. Enter the Accounting Year and Month for the opening balance accumulated depreciation in the "Opening Balance Accounting Year" and "Opening Balance Accounting Month" columns
Fixed Assets Sample Template