
How to print or email a Payment Remittance Advice

A payment remittance advice is a proof of payment sent to suppliers.  A payment remittance advice can be generated for all payments created in the Accountability platform. 


  1. Navigate to Accounting > Payables > Payments.
  2. A list of payments will be listed. 
  3. Select one or more payments to be included by checking the box to the left of the PAYMENT NO
  4. View the remittance advice for each payment record by clicking the Preview or Export hyperlink.  From here, you can save the document on your desktop or print directly from the document preview. 

  5. From here, you can save the document on your desktop or print directly from the document preview. 
  6. Email payment remittance advice directly from the platform by clicking the Batch Email.
  7. To enter an email message before sending, choose Email Attachments.  You will receive a copy of the emails sent from the platform. 

To email remittance advice to a supplier, the supplier needs to have a valid email address.