  1. Payables

Post payable transactions for company credit cards to a separate account

Map master supplier for company-paid credit card account to a different Accounts Payable account


This set-up is for agencies who need to track company-paid credit card expense claims from employee reimbursable expense claims. 

Employee reimbursable expense claims are posted as supplier invoice transactions and post to the company's Accounts Payable account by default. 


To post card expenses to a different account:

  1. Create a master supplier for the company credit card.   This master supplier should be linked to all credit card holder records.  See Manage>Credit Cards.
  2. Go to Accounting>General Ledger>General Ledger Accounts and click on the Posting GL Accounts link on the upper-right hand of the page.
  3. Click on Create a New Posting to GL Account and set the Posting Type to Master Suppliers .   The following fields are required:
    1. Master Supplier - Enter the Master Supplier you defined on Step 1 
    2. Accounts Payable Account - Enter the account you want to use for corporate credit card transactions  

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