Accounting Options
  1. Setup Options
  2. Accounting Options

How to prevent Journals from being deleted

Implement a control to stop the removal of Journals and to maintain sequential Journal numbering. This control will keep all created journals in the system, ensuring their numbers are in order without any missing sequences.


  1. Navigate to Set up Files > Set up Options
  2. Click on Accounting Options to show all of the use options available. 
    Maria Large Knowledge Base Template -Jul-13-2023-06-04-24-9893-PM
  3. The Allow Journals to be deleted option is checked by default. If it stays checked, the system's handling of Journal deletion remains unchanged, allowing you to remove unposted Journals. If you uncheck this option, it will trigger specific controls and system alterations.
    • If you try to delete a journal, a warning Journals cannot be deleted appears. Instead, opt to Cancel the undesired journal. It remains in the system but doesn't influence accounting.
    • When a 'System Transaction' (Supplier Invoice, Payment, Receipt, Production Invoice, etc.) is posted, it generates a System Journal. If the transaction is unposted, the system typically erases the System Journal. However, with this feature, the Journal isn't deleted when a transaction is unposted; rather, it's tagged as unposted and canceled. So, while unposting the transaction still negates its accounting effect, the original journal that was created stays in the system in a canceled and unposted state for auditing/history purposes.
  4. Click SAVE.