Purchase Orders
  1. Jobs
  2. Purchase Orders

How to unpost and edit a line item on a purchase order

Make changes or updates to a purchase order after it has been posted, as long as it has not been assigned to a supplier invoice and there are no other approval restrictions in place.

Unpost a purchase order


  1. Navigate to JOBS > Purchase Orders.
  2. By default, the system will show unposted transactions only. Change the SHOW POSTED? filter to Posted Only. 
  3. Check the box to the left of the ORDER NO.
  4. Click UNPOST.

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Edit the line items on the PO or add extra lines 


  1. Click on the ORDER NO. you want to edit.
  2. Edit the line items on the PO or add extra lines.
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  3. Click SAVE or SAVE & CLOSE. 

Depending on your approval rights, the final posting cannot be made until the invoice has required Manager Approvals