This article will teach users the steps to process the following
- Create a Receipt
- Receipt Invoices
- Process Receipts on Accounts
Enter a receipt that does not relate to a client invoice or is not a receipt on account
Starting from the main screen
1. Navigate to ACCOUNTING > Receivables > Receipts
3. Enter the following information
Receipt Field | Description/Action | |
a | Master Client | Enter or select the Master Client the receipt relates to |
b | Receipt No. | The RECEIPT NO will default to the next number in the sequence, edit this if required |
c | Client Payment No. | Enter the CLIENT PAYMENT NO in this field or else leave blank |
d | Client Payment Method | The CLIENT PAYMENT METHOD will default to the previous entry for this field, edit this if required |
e | Office | The OFFICE will default to the default Office of the client , edit this if required. |
f | Description | Enter a DESCRIPTION of Receipt in this field, if required |
g | Date | Enter the DATE of the receipt. This will default to today’s date and drive the Accounting Month and Year. |
h | Bank Account | Enter or select a Bank Account |
4. Users can override the Accounting Year and Accounting Month checking the OVERRIDE ACCOUNTING YEAR/MONTH box
5. By default the currency will be the Master Clients original currency
To change the currency, select the currency hyperlink (in this case USD) and select the appropriate entry.
6. Select SAVE or SAVE & CLOSE
Receipt Invoices
2. A page will display all the invoices that have an outstanding balance for this client, as well as any ‘on account’ receipts previously entered that have not yet been allocated to specific invoices.
Receipts on Account
1. For amounts received which are not related to a client invoice, but should be credited against the Receivables account for the client, click the RECEIPT ON ACCOUNT button
2. Enter the AMOUNT received and DESCRIPTION of the receipt
- The AMOUNT is the total of the receipt
- The DESCRIPTION of the receipt will appear on the Aged Receivables report
3. Select SAVE & CLOSE
Enter a Receipt that does not relate to a client invoice or is not a receipt on account
If you have a receipt that is not related to a Client invoice or is not a receipt on account ie will be processed to a GL account eg a rebate or interest do the following
1. Check the box to the far left of the screen
2. Enter or select the GL ACCOUNT #
3. Enter the amount received in the SUB TOTAL column
4. Select a TAX CODE
5. Click on the OVERRIDE TAX box if the taxes need to be overridden
6. Select SAVE
7. Select the page icon to further dissect the transaction - allocate it to another OFFICE, EMPLOYEE and or DEPARTMENT
8. Enter the dissection details needed
9. Select SAVE & CLOSE
10. Select SAVE & CLOSE