
How to create or edit supplier contacts

Supplier contacts help maintain communication with suppliers, provide a point of contact for inquiries, and avoid supply chain disruptions.


  1. Navigate to Master Files > Suppliers
  2. Use the Filters to narrow down your search or scroll through the list of Suppliers
  3. Select a Supplier
  4. Click on Settings and select Supplier Contacts from the list. 
  5. Enter the required fields. 
Supplier Information Description
Contact Name  Required - The supplier contact name - will appear in the header section of the Purchase Orders and Payment Remittance Advices and appear on 1099s in place of the Supplier Name.
Supplier  This will auto-populate with the Supplier name.
Position Supplier contacts position - will appear in the header section of the Purchase Orders and Payment Remittance Advices.

Supplier contacts email - required when sending purchase orders or payment remittance advices to the contact directly from Accountability.

This email is also used to automatically assign the Supplier to electronic invoices received in the Accountability's Incoming Supplier Invoices inbox. 

In case a Supplier contact has multiple email addresses, users can then place it all on the same email field and separate each address with a semicolon like so -;;


Supplier contact numbers - Optional

  • Direct 
  • Office 
  • Mobile 
  • Fax

Address 1

Address 2




Zip Code

Supplier contact's address - This will appear in the header section of Purchase Orders and Payment Remittance Advices.

Default Purchase Order Contact?

Check the box if this contact is to be the default for purchase orders for this supplier.

When a new order is created - the contact defaults to the designated 'Default Purchase Order Contact' for the supplier, but this can then be changed at the order level.

Note:  Changing the default purchase order contact for the supplier will not update or change the contact assigned to existing purchase orders.

Default Payment Contact?

Check the box if this contact is to be the default for payments for this supplier.

When a new payment is created - the contact defaults to the designated 'Default Payment Contact' for the supplier, but this can then be changed at the payment level.

Note:  Changing the default payment contact for the supplier will not update/change the contact assigned to existing payments.

Default 1099 Contact?

Check the box if this contact is to be the default for 1099 reports for this supplier.

When a 1099 report is generated - the contact defaults to the designated 'Default 1099 Contact' for the supplier.


Check the box to make the Supplier active or inactive. 

4.     Click on the SAVE button.  


You can also import contacts by navigating to MASTER FILES > Suppliers and clicking on the Excel – Contacts button.

For additional information regarding 1099 names and addresses, click here.