
System Update - January 29, 2024

Journal cost transfers across jobs or task types temporarily disabled; Prevent posting of payment FX gain/loss to inactive jobs;


Journal cost transfers across jobs or task types temporarily disabled (until February 4, 2024)

What is it? 

With this weekend's release, we temporarily disabled the ability to transfer journals from one job or task type to another.  This update applies to the following pages:

  • Job Cost Transfer 
  • Job Cost & Billing Detail 

You will receive a message that journals cannot be transferred. 


We are in the process of upgrading the transfer function for journals. 

This effort will address the scenario where an interoffice transaction could create an offsetting difference between the two offices.  This scenario is detailed out below: 

User create a Journal to Office A - with two lines: 

  • Line 1: Credit a Job in Office A
  • Line 2: Debit to a Job in Office B

The system posts the necessary interoffice journals to ensure WIP is in balance at an office level. 

This specific scenario occurs if a transfer is done to move Line 2 above from the job in Office B to the job in Office A:

While WIP is correctly in balance there is an offsetting difference in the GL between the two offices.  

How to transfer journals 

Instead of using the transfer function to move the original journal line, users can create a new journal to perform the transfer required.