A high level overview of the different time reports available in Accountability.
Export Data
Export all time data from the system. Use the filter options to configure the output of the report.
Employee Time Report
A detailed listing of timesheet transactions by Employee for a selected range of dates, grouped by Job No. and Task Type. Shows the timesheet entry, date, total hours, billable hours and non billable hours. Click the Chart hyperlink to see a Pie Chart illustrating the spread of Jobs each Employee has worked on.
Employee Summary Time Report

Employee Daily Time Report
A detailed listing of timesheet transactions by employee for a selected range of dates grouped by date Allows you to see what the Employee was working on each day for the selected date range. Shows timesheet entry date and any notes the employee entered, total hours, billable hours and non billable hours. Click the Chart hyperlink to see a Line Chart illustrating the number of hours the Employee has entered daily.
Employee Task Time Report
A summary of timesheet data by Employee for a selected range of dates, grouped by Task Type. Shows the total hours, billable hours and non billable hours and the % of Employees time spent on each Task Type. Click the Chart hyperlink to see a Pie Char illustrating the spread of Task Types each Employee has worked on.
Employee Job Summary Time Report
A summary of timesheet data by Employee for a selected range of dates, grouped by Job No. Shows the total hours, billable hours and non billable hours and the % of Employees time spent on each Task Type. Click the Chart hyperlink to see a Pie Chart illustrating the spread of Task Types each Employee has worked on.
Employee Billable & Non Billable Time Report
A summary of timesheet data by Employee for a selected range of dates, grouped by Job No. Shows the total hours, billable hours and non billable hours and the % of Employees time spent on each Task Type. Click the Chart hyperlink to see a Pie Chart illustrating the spread of Task Types each Employee has worked on.
Employee Department Summary Time Report
A summary of timesheet date by Department for a selected range of dates, grouped by Employee. Shows the total hours, billable hours, the billable value of those hours, non-billable hours and the % of each Employee hours each employee contribution to the Department . Click the Chart hyperlink to se a Pie Chart illustrating the spread of Employee hours for each department.
Missing Timesheet Report
Identifies whether each Employee has entered the required number of hours for each day. The report can be printed for a maximum date range of one month. In the Employee master file you can enter the Daily hours which the report uses to calculate an employees required hours. The days where an employee has not entered the required hours are shaded in grey.
Employee Utilisation Report