
Verify Totals for Incoming Supplier Invoices

What is it?

Control Total field has been introduced on the Incoming Supplier Invoices page to enhance accuracy and streamline the invoice verification process. This new feature allows users to easily compare the invoice total against the sum of all individual line items, ensuring that the amounts align correctly. 

Why does it matter?

This feature helps maintain data integrity by preventing errors and ensuring the invoice total is accurate before submission. By adding an extra layer of verification, the Control Total field enhances the reliability and efficiency of invoice processing, helping to reduce discrepancies.


Navigate to the Set Up Files menu > Set Up Options > Other Options section and check the box next to Check Supplier Invoice Total on Post. This option must be enabled for the Control Total field to be visible on the Incoming Supplier Invoices and Supplier Invoices pages.Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 5.24.28 PM


How does it work?

  1. Navigate to the Accounting menu > Payables option > Incoming Supplier Invoices page.
  2. For each invoice, enter the total of the invoice in the Control Total field.
  3. The system compares the sum of the line items to the amount in the Control Total field. If there is a discrepancy, the Control Total field is highlighted to alert the user that the totals do not match.
    Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 5.37.08 PM
  4. Upon submission, users will receive an error message if there is a discrepancy between the totals.
    Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 5.51.40 PM

Note - If the Control Total field is set to $0.00, the system will not compare the Control Total to the sum of the line items.