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What's New - April 24, 2023
Improved time management experience and increased flexibility for sub-jobs
Improved experience for timesheet proxies and approvers
Search for a specific employee's timesheet
As a timesheet proxy for multiple employees, you now have a Search employee function to easily access any employee's timesheet.
Simply enter an employee's name and the system will automatically bring you to that person's timesheet for selection. Use the percent symbol (%) as a 'wildcard' when searching for any text throughout the platform. To access your own timesheet, search for My Time.
To learn more, see How to set up a timesheet proxy for details.
View total hours on Time Approval page
As a manager, you can now see a bottom line total for billable, non-billable, and total hours on the Time Approval page.
The total hours are based on the filters applied on the page. For example, you might want an at-a-glance view of a specific employee's total hours for a given week or view the total hours for a specific job across employees. There's no set up required.
Increased flexibility and access control for sub-jobs
My Time now honors sub-job office assignment
Global offices who share resources on specific jobs can now use sub jobs to restrict time entry to the employee's office.
Prior to this enhancement, an employee needs to have access to the parent job's office and the sub-job's office to enter time against the main office's client. The system now bypasses the client restriction on the parent job and honors the office limit access on the sub-job.
Other Enhancements
Incoming Supplier Inbox lock timeline reduced
Invoices in the supplier inbox that are in view by one user are locked from other users. This ensures that only one person can code and submit these transactions at any given time. The transactions are released as soon as the first user explicitly clicks the Close button on the page or after a specific timeframe if the user clicks on the 'X' on the top of the page.
Prior to this enhancement, the release period is 3 hours. This has now been reduced to 1 hour.
New import templates for Accrued and Deferred Revenue
The Accrued and Deferred Revenue import templates now include a new column - Opening Balance? The template can be exported from Accounting>Revenue Tools and choosing Accrued Revenue or Deferred Revenue. Click on the Import link on the top right the page to download the relevant template.
This new template enables self-service import of open Accrued and Deferred revenue balances for new agencies transitioning to Accountability or an existing agency with a new acquisition that needs to be migrated to the platform. Mark the Opening Balance? column with a YES if the entry is part of the opening balance.