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What's New - August 28, 2023
Redesigned job UI and interactive job summaries, plus other workflow enhancements
Redesigned job pages for a streamlined user experience
Simplified job form
We reorganized the Job form to streamline job creation and management. The redesigned UI enables you to focus on the most important details of any job. Learn more about this enhancement here.
Interactive job financial summary
The Job Financial Summary has a fresh new look. Drill down into a job to access a more interactive Job Transaction Summary. Easily expand or collapse each task type to list underlying transactions without leaving the page. Learn more about this enhancement here.
Centralized job cash flow reporting
The Job Cash Flow Report has been replaced with an interactive Job Cash Summary view that can easily be exported into various formats, including Excel. Learn more about the redesigned Job Cash Summary page here.
Workflow enhancements
Exclude items marked as 'Hold' from Client Job Invoices
Items marked as 'hold' on the Job Cost & Billing Details page are automatically excluded when requesting billing through the Client Job Invoices page. This is especially helpful when billing sub-jobs under the master job since this is not available through the Job Cost & Billing Summary page.
To learn more about centralized billing instructions and multi-job invoicing through the Job Cost & Billing Summary page, click here.
Supplier markup on credit card transactions
The supplier markup % defined on a job header or client record is now applied to invoices generated from credit card transactions. Prior to this release, the markup % had to be manually added to the invoice.
[India] E-invoicing logic update
The logic for populating the Supply Type on e-invoices for India was changed based on updated requirements.
Error message enforcing country restriction on supplier invoices
Users will now get an error message if they manually enter a supplier that is restricted to a country they do not have access to.
Prior to this fix, users were able to bypass the restriction in place by manually entering the supplier code in the Supplier Invoices form.