December 2023 Updates
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  2. December 2023 Updates

What's New - December 24, 2023

Override Tax on Freeform Invoices

What is it? 

By default, all freeform client job invoices inherit the default tax code and rate from the Client record.  With this release, you can now override the Tax Code and Tax Rate on freeform invoices. 

Why does it matter? 

This allows the AR team to generate a invoice with a different tax rate without having to create a one-off Estimate or manipulating the default tax code and rates on the client record. 

How does it work?

  1. Access the Client Job Invoice Wizard from the Job form or through Accounting>Receivables
  2. When you select the Freeform invoice method, it will automatically populate the Tax fields with the default tax code and rate from the Client record.  Override as needed on this page. 
    Change VAT on Freeform Invoices