
What's New - January 13, 2025

Enhanced interoffice reconciliation reporting | Define media-specific Receivables account


Enhanced interoffice reconciliation reporting

You can now see all impacted offices when generating the Interoffice Reconciliation Report.  A new option "Filter data to selected offices only?" controls which interoffice balances are included. 

To illustrate how this feature works, let's assume that we have the following interoffice transactions, e.g. Office A has interoffice balances with Offices B and C, and so on.

Header Office Office A Office B Office C Office D
Interoffice balance with    Office A Office A  
Office B      
Office C     Office C
    Office D  


Let's say you requested the report for header offices A and B. 

Interoffice Reconciliation Report

With the option "Filter data to selected offices only?" unchecked (Default):

  • The system retrieves all data for the header offices you filtered on (A and B) and the intercompany balances for these offices. 
  • In addition, the report includes any header office that has balances with the offices you filtered on.  Using our sample data, the report includes Office C and the interoffice balance for one of our selected office, A. 
Header Office Office A Office B Office C Office D
Interoffice balance with    Office A Office A  
Office B      
Office C     Office C
    Office D  


With the option "Filter data to selected offices only?" checked:

  • The system only shows data for the header offices you filtered on (A and B) and only the interoffice balances between those specific offices. 

Header Office Office A Office B Office C Office D
Interoffice balance with    Office A Office A  
Office B      
Office C     Office C
    Office D  

The report still balances  - you can still see both sides of the reconciliation, but only for the offices you selected. 


Set Media-Specific Accounts Receivable Account

You can now override your default AR account for media client invoices. 

For Freewheel agencies 

  1. Navigate to Set Up Files > Set Up Options and click the  API Integrations link.
  2. Select Freewheel to launch the Freewheel Configuration page. 
  3. In the GL Control Account Settings, specify an AR Account to post media client invoices generated from Freewheel.  If this is left blank, invoices will post to the default agency AR account. 

Freewheel AR Account

To learn more about our integration with Freewheel, contact

For agencies using Accountability for media finance

  1. Navigate to Media > Media Accounting > Media GL Posting Accounts.
  2. Click the Default Media GL Postings Account link.  Specify an AR account to post media client invoices generated in Accountability. If this is left blank, invoices will post to the default agency AR account. 

    Media GL Account Postings

Mediaocean agencies already have the option to specify a media-specific AR account on the Mediaocean Configuration page.