
What's New - January 20, 2025

ID Fields Added to Employee Timesheet Export

What is it?

We added two new columns to your Employee Timesheet Export 

  • Timeline ID: A unique tag for each timesheet line
  • Time Entry ID: Links directly to the actual time entry

You'll find these new columns right after the "Leave Type" column when you run a Detailed export.

Time Export Excel

Why does it matter?

  • For Data Integrity: Each timesheet line now has a unique identifier, making it easier to track and audit specific entries
  • For System Integration: Organizations using automated imports must update their processes to handle the new columns
  • For Troubleshooting: The direct reference to time entry data simplifies problem resolution and data validation
How does it work?
  1. Go to Time & Tasks > Time Reports > Export Data
  2. Choose "Detail" (not Summary) on the export screen to see the new columns
    Time Data Export Request Page
  3. Look for the new ID columns after "Leave Type"
  4. They'll have numbers like Timeline ID: 4454 and Time Entry ID: 14342

Using automated imports? Here's your quick to-do list:

  1. Check your import setup
  2. Add these new columns to your mapping
  3. Test it out before running it for real
  4. Remember: Only your Detail exports need updating


Show Password Option on Login Screen

What is it?

We've added a "Show Password" option to the login screen - just click the eye icon next to the password field to reveal what you're typing.

Login page with show password icon

Why does it matter?

  • Helps prevent account lockouts from mistyped passwords
  • Makes it easier to spot typing mistakes before submitting
  • Especially helpful if you're using a complex password or typing on mobile devices

How does it work?

  1. Type your password as usual in the password field
  2. Click the eye icon to toggle between hiding and showing your password
  3. Verify you've typed it correctly before hitting login

Note: The password will be hidden again by default each time you return to the login screen.

Approval Scenarios for Leave Requests

What is it?

A flexible way to set up single or multi-level approvals for leave requests at the office level. 

Why does it matter?

  • Simpler setup using office-level scenarios instead of employee-by-employee approval rights
  • Creates a consistent approval experience across all request types
  • Easier to maintain as your organization changes

How does it work?


  • Handle any existing leave requests (approve or reject them)
  • Uncheck "Use Initial Manager Approval Function?" under Set Up Files> Approval & Posting Settings

For a step-by-step guide, see Approval Scenarios for Leave Request.