
What's New - July 1, 2024

Stricter approval controls

Nominated Approver scenario

What is it and why does it matter?
For a transaction type where a Nominated Approver is part of the approval sequence, we have implemented additional controls to ensure that the appropriate level of review is enforced before a transaction is posted. 
How does it work? 
For example, a Nominated Approver is part of the approval sequence for Supplier Invoices for Office A. When a supplier invoice is submitted,  the system will enforce the following: 
  1. A Nominated Approver must be assigned to the transaction. Previously, the user was not prompted to assign a Nominated Approver. 
  2. The user who created the transaction and/or submitting it for approval cannot assign themselves as the Nominated Approver. 
  3. The Nominated Approver can now be assigned for the invoice in the Incoming Supplier Invoices inbox.  Screenshot 2024-06-30 at 10.32.37 PM

This update applies to all transaction types with the Nominated Approver option:  Supplier Invoice, Journal, Purchase Order, Client Job Invoices 

To learn more about sequential approval scenarios,  refer to this article:

Approval reassignment

The reassignment of approvals has been tightened to prevent a user from re-assigning an existing approval to themselves, if they were the person who entered the transaction.

For example, let’s say Joe entered a supplier invoice, and that triggered an approval request for Jane. Even if Joe has approval rights, he will be prevented from reassigning the submitted transaction from Jane to himself. 


Integration Spotlight:  Monday Work Management

Did you know that Accountability's API enables your agency to integrate your Job Management workflow with your project system of choice? 

For example, you can send job details from Accountability to Monday to ensure that all project timelines have a corresponding Job in Accountability.  Learn more about our current Monday integration here:


In the works: Two-factor authentication (2FA)

What is it? 
For non SSO agencies, logging into Accountability currently requires the user's email address and password. With two-factor authentication (2FA), agency users requires verification using a second device, such as your mobile phone.   

Why does it matter? 

Because logging in with 2FA requires that you have access to your physical device to verify your identity, the risk of a potential intruder gaining access to your account is much lower. 

Keep an eye on this space for an update on 2FA authentication.