
What's New - May 13, 2024

Customized Invoice Entry Layout and Payment Batch ID

Customized Incoming Supplier Invoices Layout

You can now set your layout to streamline invoice entry and coding on the Incoming Supplier Invoices page. Click on the Layout icon to surface frequently used columns and hide unnecessary details. 

For example, if most of your invoices need to be dissected by Department, you can now move this column to the main page. 


Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 10.33.49 PM

Batch ID for Payment Batch

You can now see a unique Payment Batch ID for payments generated through the Generate Payments Wizard.  This allows you to select the payments to be included in an ACH payment file.   For agencies in the US, you can also use this to group CSI or FastPay payments.  

To add this column, navigate to Accounting > Payables > Payments and click on the Layout icon.  Select Payment Batch ID column and move it the desired position. You can also filter all payments that are part of the same batch. 


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