
What's New - October 28th, 2024

Enhanced Inventory Order Reporting, Standardized UI, Retainer Filtering, and Other Fixes

What's Included in this Release

Consistent navigation and user experience

Standardized report options

We standardized the placement of report links and buttons like  "Preview," "Print," "Excel," and "List Export" on search pages across the platform, creating a unified experience.

Updated UI 

We are continuing our effort to apply the updated "look and feel" across pages. These changes ensure that frequently used functions, like action buttons and page layouts, are standardized across the system, making navigation more intuitive. You'll notice these updates on the following pages, among others: 

  • Profit and Loss Reporting Pages

  • Accounting and Reconciliation Pages

  • Supplier and Payment Forms

Manage retainer Jobs by Product

Product-Specific Job Filter  Jobs on the New Retainer form can now be filtered by Product Code, streamlining retainer set up and management for product-specific retainer jobs. 

For example, if a product-specific retainer is created, only the jobs associated with that product will appear, reducing time spent searching through unrelated entries.


Inventory Order Report and Excel

Print Inventory Order Reports for Efficient Packing For experiential or event marketing agencies who manage inventory for their client's brands,  warehouse staff can now print a PDF version of the Inventory Order, styled similarly to the Journal Entry report. Key updates include:

  1. Order Details: Outgoing and incoming orders display header fields such as Order Type, Expected Date, Contact Name, and Job Number.
  2. Batch Printing: Users can print multiple orders at once from the Search Inventory Orders page, simplifying order processing.
  3. Excel Export: Both summary and detail Excel export views are now available, helping staff analyze order information in various formats.

For example, staff members can select multiple orders and have the PDF generated with each order grouped separately in the report for seamless packing guidance.


Other enhancements and fixes

  1. Client Job Invoicing Detail: Added an X-axis scrollbar to accommodate tables with extensive data columns.
  2. Expense Claim Entries Visibility: The Expense Claim Entries section now appears only after selecting an employee, preventing potential errors from incorrect selections.
  3. Job Cost & Billing Export Issue: Resolved the missing "Save" buttons in the export pop-up, allowing users to export lists as expected.
  4. Transaction Type Unlock: Restored the "Unlock Transaction Types" button during month-end transitions, improving month-end usability.
  5. Department Filter: Corrected a filtering issue on the Employee Search function to ensure accurate search results when filtering by department.