General Ledger

How to post and unpost WIP Takeups

With just a few clicks, you can post or unpost WIP Takeups on our platform.

Post a WIP takeup


  1. Navigate to ACCOUNTING > General Ledger > WIP Take Ups. 
  2. The Search WIP Take Ups page will be displayed.
  3. Use the Filters to narrow down your search, or scroll through the list of WIP TAKE UP NO.
  4. Select the unposted WIP Take Up No. that needs to be posted. 
  5. Click POST
  6. You can also click the box to the left of the WIP takeup number to POST the transaction.
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  7. A notification will appear on the bottom of the page confirming the action. 

Until a WIP Take Up has been posted, it has no accounting impact and is not included in system reports. Once a revenue take-up has been completed and checked, it should be marked as approved, which invokes the following actions:

  • The revenue takeup is ‘posted’ to the general ledger (a journal entry is created in the general ledger).
  • The Production WIP sub-ledger is updated to include the details of the revenue takeup.
  • The revenue takeup is locked so that it can’t be deleted.

Unost a WIP takeup


  1. Navigate to ACCOUNTING > General Ledger > WIP Take Ups. 
  2. Use the Filters to narrow down your search, or scroll through the list of WIP TAKE UP NO.
  3. By default, the system will show unposted transactions only. Change the SHOW POSTED? filter to Posted Only.
  4. Select the WIP Take Up No. that you wish to unpost. 
  5. Click UNPOST
  6. You can also click the box to the left of the accrued revenue number to UNPOST the transaction.
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  7. A notification will appear at the bottom of the page confirming that the transaction has been unposted.