Bank Reconciliation
  1. General Ledger
  2. Bank Reconciliation

How to account for Unpresented Payments

How to Account for Unpresented Payments when first reconciling a Bank Balance

Use Case:

Let’s assume you are loading your Trial Balance as at June 30 and your Bank Account has a Debit balance of $20,000.


  1. Create a Journal to load your opening Trial balances, which would include a Debit entry to your Bank GL Account for $20,000, dated June 30.
  2. Once the Journal is posted, navigate to ACCOUNTING > General Ledger > Bank Reconciliation. 
  3. Enter or select the BANK ACCOUNT NO
  4. Check the box next to the debit amount and click PRESENT
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  5.  A pop-up box will appear, asking you to confirm the action.
  6. Click OK

Use Case: 
Let’s say however that there were also 2 outstanding payments of $200 and $100 respectively, totalling $300.


  1. Create a Journal to load your unpresented charges which would include 2 debit entries to your Bank GL Account, one for $200 and another for $100, dated June 30.
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  2. Once the Journal is posted, navigate to ACCOUNTING > General Ledger > Bank Reconciliation. 
  3. Enter or select the BANK ACCOUNT NO
  4. All transactions for that bank account number will appear. 
  5. Check the box/es that has the unpresented debit amount.
  6. Click PRESENT
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  7.  A pop-up box will appear, asking you to confirm the action.
  8. Click OK

This brings your reconciliation up to June 30th, leaving the two credit journal lines unpresented. You can match these after June 30th, when the checks are presented.

If your agency receives bank statement transaction data feeds or import statement transactions, you can easily match them within the bank reconciliation screen.

  • The process will be similar to above
  • In the bank rec screen - click 'Present'.
  • On the left side, check the $20,000 debit and the $200 debit journal, and the $100 debit journal - and match those against the imported/ created bank statement opening balance transaction on the right-hand side of $20,300.
  • This will reconcile the bank balance as of June 30 and will leave the 2 credit journal lines as unpresented - you can match these post-June 30 when the payments get presented.