Job and Estimate Management
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  2. Job and Estimate Management

Job Management Training Packet

A collection of step by step reference guides on Fee and Production Jobs and Estimates.

Client Job Management Basics: Fee Jobs

Create Fee Jobs 

A job can represent a client or internal project that your agency needs to allocate resources and cost against.  A job is the foundation of all transactions within the Accountability platform.  Fee Jobs are defined in Accountability as billable jobs that are assigned to a specific Job Type mapped to fee task types. 

👩‍🏫 For detailed steps on creating a fee job go here.  

👩‍🏫 To learn more about task types, go here

Create a Fee Estimate 

Creating an estimate sets client expectations for the scope of work that will be provided and outlines how long the project will take to complete. 

👩‍🏫 For detailed steps on creating an estimate, go here.  

Copy and Revise an Estimate

You can easily create a copy of an Estimate and make revisions to the previous version.  You have the option to keep concurrent versions or supersede the previous version. 

👩‍🏫 For detailed steps in copying and revising an Estimate, go here

Create Revenue Tracker Fees

For Fee Estimates, Accountability's Revenue Tracker allows you to define your revenue allocation across months. 

Job Summaries and Reports

Access Job Summaries from the Jobs menu for on-demand access to your job's financial health.  Go to Jobs>Job Summaries and choose from the following: 

  • Job Cost & Billing Summary 
  • Job Financial Summary 
  • Job Time Summary
  • Job Cash Summary 
  • Job WIP Summaries  - provides you at-a-glance WIP balances for your clients and your jobs, as well as the age of that balance.  Drill down into a specific job to see costs by task type and drill down into each task type to see the underlying cost transactions.  
  • Task Summary

Available from the Jobs>ob Reports, there are a range of reports that fall into 3 categories;

  • Job Cost Reports –help you manage the review of job costs and billing
  • Production Transaction Reports – these are summary reports analyzing various job-related transactions for reporting and analysis
  • Client Expenditure Reports – summaries of client /job expenditure for management reporting

All Job Reports can be run on various filters, including Office, Client, Client Manager, Product, and Campaign

👩‍🏫 For detailed steps on job reporting, go here.  

Client Job Management: Production Jobs

Create Production Jobs

A job can represent a client or internal project that your agency needs to allocate resources and cost against.  A job is the foundation of all transactions within the Accountability platform.  Production Jobs are defined in Accountability as billable jobs that are assigned to a specific Job Type mapped to supplier task types. 

👩‍🏫 For detailed steps on creating a production job, go here

Create Estimates

Creating an estimate sets client expectations for the scope of work that will be provided and outlines how long the project will take to complete. 

👩‍🏫 For detailed steps on creating an estimate, go here.  


Copy and Revise an Estimate

You can easily create a copy of an Estimate and make revisions to the previous version.  You have the option to keep concurrent versions or supersede the previous version. 

👩‍🏫 For detailed steps in copying and revising an Estimate, go here

Create a Purchase Order

You can easily create a Purchase Order from supplier line items on your Estimate.  The system will ensure that you don't go over the estimated amounts approved by the client. 

PO and Supplier Invoice approval workflow

This optional workflow feature allows for a second level of approvals for Supplier invoices and Purchase Orders – where you would like a Manager (such as a Client Manager or Job Manager) to sign off on Supplier Invoices /POs relating to their clients or jobs. , before those supplier invoices/PO’s can receive final approval.

👩‍🏫 For detailed steps on job reporting go here

Job Reporting

Access Job Summaries from the Jobs menu for on-demand access to your job's financial health.  Go to Jobs>Job Summaries and choose from the following: 

  • Job Cost & Billing Summary 
  • Job Financial Summary 
  • Job Time Summary
  • Job Cash Summary 
  • Job WIP Summaries  - provides you at-a-glance WIP balances for your clients and your jobs, as well as the age of that balance.  Drill down into a specific job to see costs by task type and drill down into each task type to see the underlying cost transactions.  
  • Task Summary

Available from the Jobs/Job Reports, there are a range of reports that fall into 3 categories;

  • Job Cost Reports –help you manage the review of job costs and billing
  • Production Transaction Reports – these are summary reports analyzing various job-related transactions for reporting and analysis
  • Client Expenditure Reports – summaries of client /job expenditure for management reporting

All Job Reports can be run on various filters, including Office, Client, Client Manager, Product, and Campaign

👩‍🏫 For detailed steps on job reporting go here.  

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